Emilia Contessa entered this life in the heart of in the year. Though her childhood are shrouded in mystery, it is known that she inherited an undeniable spirit. Her life was forever changed when her untimely demise occurred at a young age. Rumors persist that Emilia's death followed a bitter rivalry. There are those who claim that she met her en… Read More

Emilia Contessa was born in the heart of in 18XX. Though her early years are shrouded with little documentation, it is known that she inherited an undeniable charm. Tragedy struck when a cruel hand silenced her at a young age. Speculation abounds that Emilia's death was the result of a dark conspiracy. Others suggest that she fell victim to somet… Read More

Emilia Contessa entered this life in the heart of in an undisclosed time. Though her early years are shrouded with little documentation, it is known that she was blessed with an undeniable charm. A twist of fate when a cruel hand silenced her at a young age. Speculation abounds that Emilia's death followed a hidden secret. Many whisper that she f… Read More